May 29, 2019 – Every day, millions of workers show up to their workplace and their souls scream in despair. With a heavy sigh and gritted teeth, displeased employees push through their workday until another opportunity comes their way. This negativity and complacency spreads throughout the organization like a virus. Where there is one unhappy employee, there is bound to be another.
Organizations across the country have become focused on employee engagement. Workers are a company’s most valuable resource and, in today’s competitive market, it can cost organizations a lot of money to lose employees. But what is equally costly is the time and effort organizations put into making sure their employees are engaged.
The truth is that employee engagement is a complex issue. There are many factors that may lead a worker to become disengaged with their work. What may be a solution for one person doesn’t necessarily inspire another. Workplaces can spin in circles trying to please everyone and never really touch on the deep-rooted issues at play.
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