Jackie Larson, President, Avantas
Like so much else this year, our client roundtable went virtual. One of our favorite events we look forward to every year is our client retreat where we bring together leadership professionals from various health systems to have discussions about workforce management, connect with others, and learn and grow.
With COVID-19 shuttering travel plans and large gatherings, we are grateful to have held these roundtable sessions virtually this year. Social distancing didn’t stop camaraderie and valuable discussion from happening.
This year’s roundtables included topics such as, Resource Management Center (RMC) Optimization within Ambulatory, User Adoption and Change Management, RMC Optimization within Inpatient, Open Shift Programs, and Float Pool Utilization.
Panelists joined in from across the U.S. — from small, physical footprint facilities to large systems with hundreds of facilities. The diversity of clients allowed for a broad spectrum of workforce management strategies to be highlighted.
While there were commonalities, it was clear that the solutions to the topics covered were tailored specifically for each health system and location. There was no one-size-fits-all overlay.
There’s value in clients gathering together with other healthcare leaders to understand what works well for them, and what doesn’t. What might not work well for one hospital or facility, could prove successful at another. Discussing solutions and exchanging notes not only offers tips on workforce management, but it builds a sense of community in that people know there are others who are facing the same issues.
At Avantas, we always find value in hearing our clients discuss their challenges, opportunities, and wins. And while we can pull bits and pieces from the overarching issues facing healthcare workforce management, it remains vital that solutions are tailored for each specific health system and location.
Our approach is to be a partner to clients to help them figure out what the right solution is for them based on their organization’s needs and opportunities, and then how to roll it out to staff and increase adoption. Finally, we help health systems define their KPIs so they have continued goals to strive toward, and we touch base with them regularly to understand how their plan is going and see where they are on their roadmap.
As so many of us look forward to a brighter 2021, I am humbled by the incredible work healthcare professionals do both on the front lines and behind the scenes to deliver patients the best care possible. It’s not easy work. And I’m grateful for the dedicated Avantas employees who share that passion and work hard to be valuable partners to our clients.
I wish our clients and their families happy holidays, and may the new year renew our spirit.